Why We Give
Jesus said, “Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” (Matt. 6:21) Giving is a heart issue that gets to the core of what we believe and…what we want to become.
Here in Elim Brockley, we believe giving is an act of worship, as we learn to respond in a very tangible way to the incredible generosity of God. We give out of grateful hearts in recognition that God owns everything, and we are to be faithful stewards of all He entrusts to us.

If you pay tax in the UK, we may be able to claim back 25p in every pound that you donate at no further cost to you. This means that for every £1 you give, the government will contribute 25p.
You can download the Gift Aid form or pick one at the Church and if you have any queries about giving please use our online contact form or contact our Church Office.
Your generosity helps to make a difference in the lives of people
We strongly believe in Spirit-led cheerful giving. God does not force His children to do anything. Moreover, giving in another way can lead to you giving begrudgingly and feeling forced or guilt-ridden.
There are four main ways to give at Elim Church Brockley, please click the button below to find out more about our giving options.
I WANT TO GIVEGeneral Giving Information
Secure Giving
We have facilities for secure online giving, both our online and mobile facilities are hosted by the Elim Headquarters.
Upon Clicking the GIVE ONLINE option, you will be redirected to our secure gateway (PayThru).
Giving Details
Your privacy is of utmost importance and no personal details are shared with any third parties. Moreover, you have the option to set up a Paythru account to save their details for any future giving.
The first time you give this way, you can choose to securely store your card details by PayThru, so future donations will be even much simpler and faster.
Transaction Details
The minimum online donation is £5.
A 30p administration fee is taken from each transaction.

Standing Order / Bank transfer
If you would like to set up a standing order to support your church on a regular basis, you can do so directly with your bank. Log on to your Internet banking account and use the account details below.
There are no charges incurred for using this method of giving. To help us claim gift aid on your giving please include your Gift Aid ID in the transaction reference.
- Name: EFGA (RE: Brockley)
- Lloyd’s Bank: Cheltenham Branch
- Account No: 00913518
- Sort code: 30-91-87